Sell Your Item

Pick the right price – everything sells if the price is right. #

  • Browse similar ads and pick a competitive price.
  • Think about how much buyers are willing to pay.

The lower the price, the higher the demand.

Use great photos #

  • Use actual photos – ads with photos of the real item get up to 10 times more views than ads with catalogue images.
  • Take clear photos – use good lighting and different angles.

Provide clear details in your ad #

  • More details = more views!
  • Include keywords and information that buyers will be interested in.
  • Be honest in your description.

Promote your ad! #

  • Promoted ads get up to 10 times more views.
  • More views = more interested buyers
  • With lots of interested buyers, you have a better chance of selling fast for the price that you want.

How To Promote Your Ad

To promote an Ad, simply go to your account. Click on “My Listings”.
And click on the “Promote” button under your listing or Ad and follow through to the end.

Your Ad will be upgraded immediately.

For more information about our premium and featured ads deals  visit;

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